An instant racing classic.

User Rating: 9.8 | Midtown Madness 3 XBOX
Midtown Madness 3 gets the player instantly involved in the hustle-and-bustle of modern day Washington DC or Paris. It allows you to become a chaffeur, pizza driver or even a car stunt man. All just to expose a blight that stains the two locations.

You get to drive your favourite cars from the Lotus all the way to a Toxic Waste collector. The only bad thing is that to drive your favourite auto mobiles you have to race some annoying tracks around the locations on heavy traffic.

Hate driving manual? Well don't worry the game has an answer for that as well. You are able to plau it easy and dirve automatic so there is no need to ever change gears.

You can also work undercover where you have to play as a paramedic or fbi in order to retrieve the information you require.

Midtown Madness has a lot of strong points and not that many weak points. In the end the music gets on your nerves as the same rock style music is played over and over again without end. It drives you nuts. But you can also alter the style of gameplay and the options so you can turn of music up, down or turn it off all together. Midtown Madness is a great game that isn't apprieciated enough and puts games like Juiced and Driver to shame.