Basically an arcade game on steriods

User Rating: 6 | Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor - Game of the Year Edition XONE

Waited a year and a half to play this game...and I am still disappointed :)

Firstly, the obvious; the game engine here....liberally borrows from Assassins Creed. Many previous reviews have noted that as well as Batman, but as I have never played Batman, I assume it "borrowed" from AC as well.

That said, while there are other things of worthy note in AC, there are none in this game; I left 5 of the 74 Achievements undone as I just can't stomach putting another 6 hours in this "world" to unlock them. The only other game where I have more than 1 Achievement not done is Dunwall City Trials because....well it's the worst excuse for DLC I have ever encountered.


The Nemesis system is slightly interesting....slightly. It doesn't do anything in the least complex, but it was a change from the norm....even if it went nowhere and added very, very little to the game. It could have been more....but hey it's shiny :)

That's it for the pros....seriously. Not that it does a lot bad, but it does nothing very well.


Combat is a joke. To say it's easy is a massive understatement. It literally is AC, save instead of throwing 6 or 12 baddies at you, they send 12 or 24....that's their definition of's the height of laziness.

Outside of combat there is...nothing to this game...nothing. Even if there was anything of note to explore in this world you would have no opportunity to do so as the uruks constantly respawn and they are literally have to hide in a bush, the top of a spire or your pause screen if you want a break from it......absolute rubbish arcade game junk.

The story is average fare.

There is no customization of world, character, weapons, gear...anything.

There is no meaningful NPC interaction.

There is no character development.

This vied with DA:I for