The best Metal Slug Ever MADE

User Rating: 9 | Metal Slug Advance GBA
I know that Metal Slug 3,4 & 5 are not so cool as we expected but this game redefines it for good of SNK.
The difficulty is high so don't expect a surprise when you see that you have been killed on a level more than 50 times.
There are too much levels of pure side scrolling action with 10 or 15 weapons,easy controls and the classic Metal Slug action.
The bad thing is as we expected that the graphics are always the same (They say that is in development a Metal Slug in 3D and I've seen the screenshots, and they're cool), The sound is a little s&%$#y always and as I have mentioned is too harrrrdddddd.
It is an obligatory buy for everyone who has a Game Boy Advance and for me is the best Metal Slug ever made.