MGS Portable Ops is a really good psp game

User Rating: 8 | Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops PSP
MGS Portable Ops is really good psp game but the awkward controls bring the game down abit but a really good story and really addictive gameplay make for a really good psp game but no where near as good as the console games but a great MGS game on the go.

Graphics there good for the year snake is well animated the enemies look like they should there just good for the year and for the psp.

Gameplay is really addictive its not like the other MGS games but still good the stealth is great in this one you recruit soldiers and as you get new recruits you assign them to the spy unit medical unit and a few others and as you get more the recruits level up to find different weapons documents and information to get higher rank weapons and if you play as a soldier that wearing the same outfit as you can just walk right past them and can get through some missions alot easier there are a few bosses in the game there all good there abit like the other bosses in the other games the controls are quite awkward but for a psp there not bad it doesn't play like the others in the series but still really good.

Story is after MGS 3 Snake Eater and continues on from MGS 3 story it is really good and is told through sketch comic sort of look to it definitely not as good as the cutscenes in MGS 3 but still look good.

Replay there is quite abit of replay like recruiting soldiers getting higher ranks getting different ranks on the game and playing the game again the game itself is about 10 to 15 hours long there is online which is fun and really good for awhile and quite abit of replay value overall.

The Good

Great Gameplay,Great Story,Great Replay,Good 10 to 15 Hours Long,Good Online.

The Bad

Controls are quite Awkward.

Graphics 7.8/10.0

Gameplay 8.7/10.0

Story 9.3/10.0

Replay 8.4/10.0

Sound 8.1/10.0

Multiplayer 7.7/10.0

Overall 8.2/10.0