SO Much For Parting Ways

User Rating: 10 | RockMan Zero 2 GBA
Capcom Uncovers More Of The Story...

After Completing Mega Man Zero, I then knew this series was a must. All though I got a tonne of GameBoy Advance games, I've been able to stop playing my whole library at the same time and instead trying to complete games one at a time to get them out of my way faster, so I started this one immediately after the first. I have to say that capcom hasn't messed up anything from the first and in the beggining they throw you right into the action. So I start slashing away and through out the game I've found many new additions. Changing forms was a great edition, I found it very useful because of certain abilitys such at the rolling slash, which taught you better about balancing your character. The EX Skills were also another great addition for all that hard work which was never really rewarded in the first one. This game has kept me restarting for hours trying to get me to get hit and putting nearly every impossible obstacle in my way. They really don't want you to get a good rank. X's Spirit is seen much more in this game as he actually interacts with Zero about what is going on with the elves and has many characters back for more from the original. This game has somewhat similar difficulty to the original, which must have cracked alot of people. So enjoy another slice of the story.