Far from the best of X games.

User Rating: 6.1 | Mega Man X7 PS2
Mega Man X7 has all 3D environments, but attempts to stay true at its 2D roots by placing most of the gameplay on rails. Some levels experiment with 3D, but are hardly as fun as the ones on rails. All in all, however, the game isn't at all true to its roots and can be both frustrating and tedious. The game moves a slow pace and have very little variety in gameplay elements. Plus, in somewhat of an odd move, the main character of the game, X, isn't playable from the start and must be unlocked one of two ways.

Although the character models are satisfactory, the animation is slow and the special effects are lackluster. Basically, the graphics leave a lot to be desired.

Even for its original Japanese acting, the voices are boring and un-emotional. The music repeats in loops and is hardly exciting.

The game consists of no side-quests and a rather short story.

Please don't mistake my words; this game is still fun at many points, but is a clear failure when compared to its predecessors.