ahh, theres nothing better than a good 'ol Megaman X game...

User Rating: 9.5 | Mega Man X Collection PS2
I was always a fan of the original Megaman and the Megaman X series, and I always enjoyed playing as the Megaman, going around blasting bad guys, and my favorite character, Zero, slashing the salami out of bad guys with his Z-saber. Since there are 6 games in this collection I'll review 4 of the games (yes, I am too lazy to review all of them.)

Megaman X: I just had to play this game since it brought back so many memories, and its how Megaman X started. If I had to say which game had the best story it would be this one, because it picks up where the original Megaman series left off, and it was very similar to the original Megaman series.

Megaman X4: My favorite, it was fun and it seemed like the easiest out of all of the games, the gameplay was real great.

Megaman X5: Not as good as X4 but I still had fun playing, what made it better was how Zero had his Z-buster in this game.

Megaman X6: I hated this game, to me, the levels were horribly done and were annoying. I was very easy to die in this game.

Well...this concludes my review
*teleport away*