EA likes messing up games I think, power is always given to fools. Anyway couldv'e been a great game but some things....

User Rating: 6.5 | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun PS2

Medal of Honour: Rising Sun YAWN!! Those who have learnt the hard way by buying an MOH game and been sorely disappoint expect more. While the first mission was really great and had you stationed in the Pacific when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour there wasn't much thought put into level design. They surely could of spent a little extra of their time by making the game more fun and levels bigger because while navigating through a wrecked ship is great the experience is short-lived unless you're new to the controls and get lost easily. The chaos of Pearl Harbour quickly fades away and you find yourself protecting a tank from the Japanese who are holding long sticks with a mine at the end while you snipers try to kill you. This all great but something about the game is just wrong the game seems to be boring and I don't why.

Their is co-op but it just makes the game easier to beat as woops your dead your teammate waits ten secs and up you pop. The single player gets a final mission, the one thing that frustrates me the most is the fact that it just all feels wrong and I feel like there is no challenge. There are usually plenty of health and ammo around but tanks can still quickly kill you. Arrgh! This game has the potential to be epic and EA stuffs it up, why!! There will never be an answer to how it feels wrong but you play it and you should understand what I mean. This maybe with decent graphics nothing to great or how the enemy soldiers just won't die; when you shoot them in the legs they will just hop about a bit,

There is a chance to plug in the second controller, add some bots and you and your mate can team up against them. There is only one mode for multiplayer but you get skins of various units to add but vehicular combat is nonexistent and multiplayer will soon get boring. The sound is great and like most games the sound will become exclusive to the game and sound wrong if it wasn't being in-game.

There is however a lot of unlockables that are available via some handy tools there are also some great documentary features and bonus stuff you can pick up. The thing with historical FPS is that I end reading everything about that area of time while I did read all about Pearl Harbour I haven't yet read about the rest of the Pacific Theatre. A pity I can't end this review on a positive note, I prefer too but with all that failure how can I give it a positive score.

First of all it's EA what do you expect? The second thing is why is it so hard to design the levels a bit better? And what did you do to the game? Well it was great in a weird sense of the word if you love learning new things or if you're a historical buff you're sure to love it. Hardcore gamers stay away if you like your sanity and if you're of different liking stay away, thanks anyway for reading this review.
P.S If you really want you could use the credits as a hit list of people you'll hunt down.