Rising sun is one of the worst medal of honors ever.

User Rating: 5.5 | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun GC
Medal of honor rising sun is a change of pace from pther WWII shooters. what i mean is instead of being in nazi held europe you are in the pacific battling japanese soldiers. the campaign mode on rising sun is very short and way to easy to complete.even though there are medal s to get the campaign mode you wont want to try and get them because the missions are very boring.but there is two player co-op if you want to play it with a friend but i would not reccomend it because the screen tends to get frustrating if you get the game you will see what i mean. the weapons in rising sun look bad but sound ok and there are only two japanese weapons the game could have been better with more.the multiplayer is okay and has cpu bots that you can play against even though they are stupid. the graphics even though it was made in 2003 (im going to say it) are crappy. being made in 2003 is no excuse for them to say why the graphics suck. the sound is good with some nice music. but over all unless you just want it for your collection dont buy the game.