It's not a total rehash of the first, and fans of the first won't be disappointed.

User Rating: 9 | MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (Limited Edition) XBOX
Mechassault was one of the first XBL launches in 2002, which is why it got so famous. Aside from the Campaign mode, the multiplayer was a total blast online, and had alot of replayability. 2 years later, Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf was released. Was it worth the wait? You bet. The Gameplay is kinda the same, but with a few twists. You can now get out of your mech, drop supplies to your allies(on XBL), and Neurohack enemy mechs. All you have to do is jumpjet onto an enemy mech and press the A button. This will bring up a display to tell you which buttons to push in the right order. If successful, the pilot will be ejected from the mech, leaving you with your new toy. As for the XBL support, it handles pretty well and is addicting as the first. The Graphics are spectacular, although at some point in the game, the framrate dips in a little bit. The best thing about it is that the explosions look fantastic, and the excellent sound and superb voice acting make it alot better. The sound, like I said, is outstanding. The sound of guns blazing and mechs exploding never sounded so great. The voice acting is very well done too. Overall, this is an excellent game that any fan of the genre or series won't be disappointed, and will probably enjoy greatly.