Finally a challenging game.

User Rating: 8.8 | Maximo (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
This game actually made me yell at the screen many times because it did get that hard at parts. Yet for some reason I loved every second of it. The graphics, sound, and controls were all good. Now the thing that really made this game stand out to me were the level designs and the bosses. The levels were neatly designed and made it challenging to pass them but it was very linear so there was little chance to get lost. Also the hubs that lead to each level were neat. I wasn't a really big fan of paying to go to the next hub or even saving but later in the game you get used to it. My favorite part of this game had to be the bosses. All of them had only one weak spot and the only way to bring them down was to exploit. Many of the bosses were challenging but the end boss(es) really made me work hard. When I beat the game I was very satisfied overall.