The DLC sucks but Aria is still the hottest Asari in the universe! Sorry Liara, dont be mad! :D

User Rating: 5 | Mass Effect 3: Omega X360
I love Aria! She´s seriously one of my favorite characters in the Mass Effect universe. Not only that but Omega was one of my favorite things in ME2. Omega just had so much personality, it truly felt alive and I always wished we could go back and explore it more in ME3. When that didn't happen it was one of many other disappointments with the game but soon enough this DLC was announced and all was well! Aria was going to be back and be a squad-mate for the DLC! I read the comic, "Invasion" which told the story of how Cerberus captured Omega and loved it! It had a great villain, Petrovsky, a military mastermind, a truly great opponent for Aria and the end of the comic suggested at a huge clash of "titans" with Shepard in the middle and an all out war full of twists!
What we got was a complete and utter disgrace.
The DLC is basically a bunch of combat scenarios where you fight the same old Cerberus troops again and again! A new enemy, straight from the comic, is introduced and its fun to fight but is absent from most of the DLC. We also get introduced to a new character, a female turian, a first in ME. She´s an decent if somewhat bland character but her role is minimal and in the end she´s just a wasted opportunity for what could be another fan favorite.
The story is also minimal. The great villain from the comic, with depth and dimension turns into a barely coherent fool with a few scenes and no development. Without prior knowledge of the comic, Petrovsky has as much personality and weight to the story as the nameless Cerberus grunts you kill during the game. He´s a cardboard, standing in because the DLC just needed a face for Cerberus in Omega.
No effort is made in the story. Shepard arrives goes on a killing spree, turns off some force fields Cerberus had installed to keep the people under control and just kills every Cerberus in sight on the way to Petrovsky. There´s no thought in the RPG side of things either. ME was always, or at least was supposed to be, about choice. Here we get one or two meaningless decisions where nothing is changed in the outcome no matter the choice. Even the dialog is mostly automatic with a few paragon or renegade options thrown in once in a while. Aria and Shepard´s interactions are also mostly automatic and brief. Even Carrie Anne Moss seems bored for most of her lines as Aria. You only get two brief appearances from ME2 characters for a few moments and Omega just doesn't seem the same. You don't revisit any places from ME2 till the end and the locations where you fight are dull and bland.
And then we get the bugs, the glitches and basically the feeling the DLC wasn't even finished.
Aria´s big speech to the people of Omega has a ridiculous although hilarious glitch that just ruins the whole scene. Then the end speech has no music. I don't think its a glitch, I think they just didn't bother!
So there you have it. An over-priced, buggy, corridor shooting section with practically no story, no choices and no meaning at all within the game. You cant even go back to Omega after you finish the DLC and Aria is back in her couch in the Citadel the next time you go to Purgatory! That´s how meaningless the whole thing is! Why bother?