MUA is strongly recommended to any fan of Marvel Comics or just a great beat em up game

User Rating: 8.4 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance X360
Marvel Ultimate Alliance is every comic-book fan's dream come true. It features 20 heroic icons to play as -- from popular crews such as the X-Men and Fantastic Four, but also some more obscure stars like Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel. In turn, they battle a potpourri of evil that's even more varied. A thin but intriguing storyline attempts to tie it all together, but it's the inside jokes and pop-culture references where the writing really shines. However, in games like this, the story is just a conduit between maps full of button-mashing combat anyway. The combat doesn't reinvent the art of punching someone in the face by any respect, but it's still plenty fun. Slight tweaks like debris you can wield and better throws subtly enhance play, and the smarter teammates are very welcome. That's not to say they won't get stuck in corners once in a while, but a quick tap of the shoulder button warps them near your position to make their superhero paychecks. A good percentage of characters can fly or have other unique double-jump mechanics -- Spidey slings, and Deadpool teleports. These help make traversing the wide terrain a little more entertaining