This game isn't half bad, or is it?

User Rating: 6.5 | Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects PSP
I have this game and i enjoy it! I think it sucks though that theres only two characters and you have to unlock the rest. And after that it gets kinda boring. i really think they should have added something else to this game so it wouldn't just be a fighting game. Like mini games or something and I think you should pick two cards instead of just one because your fighting two rounds not one. I heard that they were making a second one if they do they should look at this game and see what needs to be improved. Because all this game is a fighting game. yeah you throw obstacles and stuff like that but I think they should do something more then that. Instead of trying to be like an mortal kombat clone. I liked this one for the psp and i havent tried the one for the ps2. but If you want to check out this game rent it or borrow it. To see how you like it. And this should be for marvel fans a really true marvel fan to play this.