Improvement from the consel versions, it's fun and entertainning for on the go. It is better but still not great.

User Rating: 8.3 | Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects PSP
Good News:
Improvement from the consel versions, it's fun and entertainning for on the go. It is better but still not great. the new card system is easy and useful for the gameplay and the controls are the same. they also improved the costumes of certain characters such as wolverin, magneto, and the thing(just new shorts). New characters such as Captain America and Dr.Doom.

Bad News:
There are no cutscenes anymore but little paragrphs about who you are going to fight. there arent big and awsome explosions anymore because the PSP must not have a big enouph system for it as the consel. The game also gets rid of johnny storm and daredevil for the PSP version.

In the end, this game isnt as beutiful as the consel games but it is more fun on a PSP than the consel. I think many fans of marvel would buy this game but for others, just rent it on Gamefly.