Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects has many letdowns, but nails what matters most.

User Rating: 7 | Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects PSP
Marvel Nemesis is exactly what you'd expect: a fighting game starring your favorite Marvel heroes and villains. And that's exactly what you get, and unfortunately, not much else.

-Large rouster of Marvel characters, including a new group: the Imperfects
-Nice controls
-Graphics are nice for a handheld system
-Good level variety

-No online play
-Campaign mode is lackish
-Story is boring
-Cards aren't really interesting

-Let's start with some downsides. The "exclusive" campaign mode isn't really very good, it's basically you fighting other characters, and small text boxes explaining the story to you between battles. There is no online play, which sucks because it probably would have raised Marvel Nemesis's score to an 8.5 or higher. The cards, which are collected throughout the game, help you throughout battles. For example, If you are Spiderman playing a vs match against Hazmat, and your health is terribly low, you can use a card to heal yourself. Cards range from gaining health to increasing your rage meter which, when it becomes full, will increase the damage you inflict on an enemy. Overall however, cards do more bad than good. They turn the tides on battles almost instantly - causing the enemies to be SUPER easy.
-However, Marvel Nemesis has some bright sides. The character rouster is HUGE. It features all of your favorite Marvel characters, from Iron Man to Elektra to The Thing. The controls are easy to learn, there are plenty of stages to fight on, and the blood effects are fabulous. The graphics are also very nice, especially since this is a handheld game.
-If you need a fighter for your PSP, and your a fan of Marvel comics, Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects is for you. But if not, you may be displeased with this game.

Review by ChrisM95