Very underwhelmed by this version. It lacks depth and is tactically vacant. Great characters dont make a great game!

User Rating: 4.7 | Mario Strikers Charged Football WII
Now when I first started playing strikers I really enjoyed it. Learning the new moves, finding out charcters hidden skills and strengths etc. but once everything had been figured out I was struggling to enjoy it. I found the multi player very repetitive and lacked entirely in depth. I enjoyed the pitches which has crazy events which interfered with play (such as cows and tractors flying across the pitch) but I feel there isn't enough over the top pitches for a game which is essentially trying to be as far from the PES sims as possible. I still love all the old Nintendo characters but they essentially cant hold this game up on their own. (while on characters, what the hell is wrong with DK's voice?all wrong) As for any tactical play, forget it. You could play a great bit of tactical play(by this games standards anyway) and score a great goal (which is what i enjoyed doing) but then someone superstrikes you and by chance gets a great speed on the shot and puts 5 past you.there is no part of the game that really encourages you to make long runs cross balls or the like when u can with a decent amount of early tackles you can set up a super strike without much difficulty.