Is Mario Party 8 the greatest game of all time? All indications say NO.

User Rating: 6.5 | Mario Party 8 WII
Yet again, Nintendo throws another Mario game in our faces. And yet again, it sold millions and millions of copies. What the - and it's not even a good game (as usual)! Please welcome another party game made for Wii that soils the Mario name (like many other abominations sporting "Mario" in its title).

Gameplay: Use the Wii Remote to hit a dice block and then move across a 3D game board hoping you land on something good. The first to the finish gets a star (if you have the coins, that is). That's basically it. Yep.

Graphics: To say that Mario Party 8 has the best graphics on Wii would be a big, fat lie. Graphics may be colorful, but lack any depth. Not that Nintendo is known for producing games with good graphics...

Presentation: There are really no cutscenes, except maybe for at the beginning of every game when the announcer with the oversized hat spouts gibberish and shows everyone the "amazing" vistas of the game board.

Sound: Classic Mario, not impressive. Not bad, but the score is a fresh step up from having no sound at all.

My verdict: Another bad Mario game dominates the sales charts. What can I say? I don't know why. Mario Party 8 has boring gameplay and gets very repetitive. Not only that, but the CPU's aren't very intelligent or lucky, to say the least. Take my word for it - Mario Party 8 is a game you'll definitely want to ignore come holiday season.