Mario Party 6 Is one of the Best Multi-player Games for the Nintendo GameCube, Surely one of the Best Games you will buy

User Rating: 9.6 | Mario Party 6 GC
Mario Party 6 Comes in a new Way of Gameplay. with Many New Mini-Games to play and new themes for board And party Games. Mario Party 6 is one of the games that you should pick if you were a big fan of Mario Series and if you Enjoy Multi-Player Games, This Game is Just right For You. -New Games- Now With the New Mini-Games Using the Microphone (Comes Also With the Game) new Games for you and your buddies to play with. But. the disspoainting thing is that when you use the Microphone it sometimes Doesn't do as what you Say, But With the New Quiz Games and New Mini-Games it Proves that Mario Party is still a Blast of Fun. Dueling, 4 Vs. 4, 2 Vs. 2 , 1 Vs. 3 ...Wow! Lots of Mini-Games Including DK Mini-Games. The New Games has much more Grahpics, Bright colours and Colourful Characters. With outstanding Multi-Player Games for you to play. Mario Party 6 Is a Great Game to pick while picking Up Games for your Game Cube. For More than 40 Games to play, 5 and more Boards to play on, Solo Modes and Party Modes.. This Game is Just Right For Everybody, Young And Old. -Diffculty- Mario Party 6 is just right for Everybody, Very Easy Games and Hard Games also an Explanitation on How to play each and one of the Games. tutorial Boards for the first players to play in the Series and speacial Boards for Begginers. ----- -GamePlay- Mario Party 6 is just like the old series of Mario Party. The GamePlay have gotten Better and much fun for you to play, it brings great Atmosphere for players to come and play with you. But, The Game might not be enjoyable if you played it alone. The Game is For 1 - 4 players and it would be best if you had someone to play with you. The New Mini-Games comes filled with fun party Games, The Microphones Adds Even More fun for Players to Enjoy Mario-Party, The Gameplay is Wonmderful if you Shared the Fun with someone. GamePlay - 9/10 -Graphics- Mario Party 6 is colourful, with Bright Colours and Colourful Characters makes the Game even more fun to play, The Graphics has gotten much more better that the last series, The Game has wonderful colours and great Themes from Night To Morning, Changing the Graphics of the Games depending on the Theme (Night or Morning) making it Even More fun To Enjoy Playing the Game in Bright And colourful Characters. Graphics 10/10 -Sound- The Music in Mario Party is Great, It keeps up with the Atmosphere of the Game. With Everyone Cheering in Party mode or whenever a character wins, they make queats, and The Party Mode Music is Just Great and keeping with the Game Balance. 10/10 -Reviewer's Tilt- Mario Party 6 is a Great Multi-Player Game, With rich Graphics,Sound and wonderful Gameplay that is fit for anyone to play Young and Old. Mario Party 6 is sure one of the Best Games on the Nintendo Game Cube and you Should purchase it if you are having parties or hangouts in your House, a Great Game for the gameCube for you To Enjoy Playing. So, If you have a GameCube you Should Think of Buying Mario Party 6. And it won't let you down. Enjoy Your Game! ^_^ Final Score: 9.6 Mario Party 6 Review. Thanks to A.L.P For Helping me write the Review ^^ Cheers, Pumpkin Head