Mario Party 6 takes small steps to improve the series while they should of been taking big leaps.

User Rating: 7.9 | Mario Party 6 GC
Mario Party 6 takes small steps to improve the series while they should of been taking big leaps. It's been 6 of these and there's not a HUGE imrpovement in the gameplay that seperates it from the rest. The gameplay itself is smooth. At the beginning of a game in Party Mode everybody jumps and hits their dice block and whoever has the highest number goes first. The first person hits their dice block and moves their character the number that the dice block is on. You move on circles, like when you land on a blue circle you get three coins, if you land on a red circle you lose three coins. There's other circles like a ? circle where a hidden action happens like you might be able to go directly to the star spot or something like that, it's basically something that puts you ahead of the competion, these make the game very interesting and gives it a strategy of sorts. Also there are orbs, you can use these to get two or three dice blocks so you can go further or there are things like roadblocks so if you land on one they might have to give you coins or you just stop your turn, so they might be close to the star spot but since you put a roadblock they stop and you then can get the star spot. These help bring a variety to the game that if they weren't there this game would go right down the gutter. Some other modes are Single Player mode where there is only three levels, but you can unlock minigames, and get stars to unlock items at the Star Bank. The single player is very lackluster but it's the only option if you are the only one playing, but you can play party mode by yourself but it's not very fun. Basically, if you don't have friends to play this game, you won't enjoy this game. You might have fun for a couple of hours but nothing more after that. Overall, this is a solid game that does what it's supposed to do, give a fun party experience that is just non-stop fun. I would of liked to see bigger steps for the franchise but I guess this is all we get for now.