Good game when you know what to look at

User Rating: 7.5 | Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ DS
First: this game is not a serious one. Has a great sense of humor, a outrageous history and don't even take himself serious. The graphics are not as polished as Dementium, right, but don't hurt the gameplay.

The slowdowns are there, true but so far they don't ruin the game. also to move is more reliable the game pad, I use the stylus only to dash.

The difficult right now is good, is steeping up, but I don't want a game that takes one hour to beat.

The enemy designs are varied and keeps you thinking how to beat then, also the diferent enemies makes the challenges rise when appear 3 types at once.

The weapons are not very varied, but make their work. Also the music is not something amazing, but is there and makes their work. Also the boss sequences have better music than the normal levels.

So is a good game if you like the shooters on foot. Don't think is contra 4, not nanostray either. But could prove their worth if you give it a chance.