Link's Crossbow Training Is A Very Fun Game To Play, Regardless That It's Really Short.

User Rating: 7.5 | Link's Crossbow Training WII
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It's time for the Link's Crossbow Training review! For the Wii!

Now I know this is more of a mini-game than anything else, but I believe it deserves a review as well.

Link's Crossbow Training is a game that is just trying to sell the Wii Zapper. What this is, is a plastic shell just like the Wii Wheel, only you combine both the Wiimote and the Nunchuck with it. This gives you the feel of holding a crossbow. Now, some people say the Wii Zapper is just a piece of garbage, I'm looking in your direction Wiiviewr, no disrespect of course, but I don't know why you, or other people say they don't care for it. I DO like it, I don't see any flaws.

Now, to the game. You are Link, Hero of Hyrule. If you didn't already know who Link was, shame on you! Instead of using a regular bow, Link is using a crossbow, thus, the Wii Zapper.
You start out by choosing your Mii to represent your score. There are nine levels in all, with three stages in each level, so there are 27 stages. Hooray for math!

The game grabs areas from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. If you've played Twilight Princess, you will know all of the places. If you haven't, don't worry, you don't NEED to know where you are, just make sure you hit your targets!

So now you start. Each stage is timed, and the object is to shoot down as many targets as you can, to earn points. Consecutive shots will earn more points. Plus, instead of just targets, you can also shoot down other items that may contain bonuses that will give you extra points! To receive more points, shoot down the targets in the middle. If you can hit most to all your targets consecutively, you can get huge high scores! Oh yeah, check that out!

There are three types of game modes. There's Target Shooting, where the game will automatically guide you where you need to go and shoot down your targets. There's Defender, where you have a 3rd person view of Link. You can't move anywhere, just in a circle, where waves of enemies will try to attack you. Then there's Ranger, where you have complete control over Link, using the control stick in the Nunchuck. You'll have to walk around to shoot down your enemies. All of them are fun to play, but my favorite is Target Shooting.

Just like Wii Play, the game will award you with medals, depending on how many points you get. There's bronze, silver, gold, and yes, platinum. And, just like in Wii Play, the medals are only there for gloating purposes.

The graphics look amazing! The quality is just as good as Twilight Princess. No complaints in this category!

The controls are good and precise, whether you're using the Wii Zapper or not. There is an option to test and adjust the settings for the controls, to make them either more, or less sensitive.
Back to the Wii Zapper though. You don't HAVE to use it. You can play the game just holding the Wiimote and Nunchuck in each hand. Everyone has their own preference, but I like using the Wii Zapper. I tried the game without it, and I did a little worse than I would have using the Wii Zapper.

Along with Single Player mode, there's also Multiplayer, where up to four players can play. Pick a level, then one by one, you and your friends will compete to see who can receive the highest score.

There's also practice mode, where you can play a certain level, but not receive any points.

There is no online mode, but I never expected there to be anyway.
The only downside I found with this game, is that it's really short! It took me maybe an hour or two to receive all platinum medals. So it could have been longer.

Link's Crossbow Training is a great game. For only $20, you can't go wrong. This game is fun, addicting, and beautiful. And plus, it comes with a peripheral! The only thing disappointing was the length of the game. But remember, the game is only $20.

This game gets a 3.75/5 with the title of Awesome!


0-1.5=Total Crap!