Lego Star wars II : Strikes back at fans of the genre and the previous game. Also a good challange here and there.

User Rating: 9.6 | LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy PC
Lego Starwars II, does a great job of once again putting you in the atmosphere of Star wars. It is star wars but in Lego :D. They've done a great job of capturing the serious moments in the films and added the lego perks that make it suddenly funny. It quiet clearly shows, they've put more thought and effort into this version than they did the previous one, The puzzles are challanging and require a bit of thought as well. However for my Nieces and Nephews, they find this game pure enjoyment and fun to play and in fact this is their favorite game. The game does a great! job of adapting to the skill level of my Nephew and lowers the game level to easy, if I took over the game reconises it and increases the game level to match my skill level. Which is great, because this allows parents, Brother n sisters to play together, and have a bit of fun. The only problems with this game is of cause what was said in the offical review the camera positions don't help much. Also perhaps they could add more to do in the Cantina like they did in the previous one, For example you could play the juke box or poor your self some coffee. This version all you can do is blow up chars n pull the lights down. I would like to see us to be able to manipulate the objects more, like if there is a cup on the table, we could pick it up and drink from it.

Overall this game is one of those that is a pleasure to play. It's a great tool also for families to play together at Christmas etc.

Great work.