Controls have been updated, give this game a little more credit now.

User Rating: 8 | Lair PS3
First off, I saw people reviewing this game in the last few weeks that don't seem to realize they made a patch to update the controls; you can use the analog sticks now!

As for the review:

I had high hopes for this game and they failed initially. I read all the reviews and didn't buy it because of the control scheme. But since they patched it, this game is all as good as heavenly sword. The story is mildly shallow but the production value is really quite good. The game is fast paced, interesting, and easy to pick up and lay down in short bursts if you don't have a lot of time.

The graphics are excellent and the takedowns are amazing at times and I rarely saw the same takedown twice. It has its little bugs and it's a very short game, but it does have the different levels of completion you can achieve on each of the 15 levels.

Simple but interesting story, great game play, awesome graphics, great sound, and now the OPTION for motion sensing or not = a good game. A 10? Definitely not. A 4.5, definitely not anymore. With the terrible controls, maybe a 6.0 was due but this game is WAY UNDERRATED, rent it at least and you won't be disappointed. Just make sure you update the game so you can fly without motion and you'll be glad you played it. Also, you can skip the cutscenes, but it does make you watch 10 seconds of so of it before you can skip it.