In Operation Genesis you get to create your own Jurassic Park and does a good job giving you freedom but isn't very hard

User Rating: 8.5 | Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis PC
In Operation Genesis you get to create your own Jurassic Park, and I know, 'there is no way this could be done in a video game.' But this game, hits the bell, if a little softly...

Its graphic are just one of its great feats. They might not look so interesting now but for a game that cameout 7 years ago, the graphics are amazing. Each dino looks different and although the plant life is sorta repeditive it is interesting in its own way. Colors,as you can see from the photos,are all vivid and bright and really brings the world to life but doesn't make the game look like it was made for babies.

From the point of view of a scientist: ... I'm not one, skipping!

The gamplay normally isn't too hard, in the manual it makes it sound like dino breakouts are really common, but really aren't at all if you know what your doing making this game sorta easy. But other times people may get stuck in the cages, then you need to go rescue them using the helecopter which also isn't too hard, but still feels real.

Of coarse this is a theme park/ zoo game so like in games like Zoo Tycoon you'll need to build fences around your dinos to keep them away from visitors (whose needs you will need to satisfy- still easy). But people can still see the dinos without having to look through all of the bars in the cages. You can add "Attractions" which bring the people and the dinos closer. The types I can recall are the following:

Car Ride: Draw a trail for a car to follow, or drive around the cage yourself.

Tower: A view from above the bars.

Peep-hole: A place where visitors can take a tunnel under the cage into a dome where they can look out.

Balloon Ride: It's like the car ride but can tour the whole island, but sadly you can't control it.

Cage Lookout: Lets visitors look out into the cage from the wall.

To get dinos you have to get a escavtion team to dig up fossiles and when you have enough of that type you can "Clone" that dino. Then you need to put a hatury in the cage and wait for the eggs to hatch.

Besides the freeform I've been explaining there is also a relitivly harder part to the game where you do missions such as taking photos, shooting down dinos and saving people from being eaten. These mini missions are quite a bit funner than they sound. Cheesy as they are, they are fun.

By completing all these missions (or using a cheat- I've done both) you unlock an island where you can do anything you want with no visitors or cages. And this is a great way to see was Mr. Rex would enjoy having for tomarrows lunch. It's really fun but doesn't give you all the fun you get from Freeform.

All-in-all this game is enjoyable and suggestable for newbies to Theme-park games because there is so much to do, but isn't very hard.

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