Last of a dying breed, a truly original game. Don't expect many of these in years to come, because they are becoming...

User Rating: 9 | De La Jet Set Radio (Dreamcast Direct) DC
Increasingly rare. But wow, i knew i was getting this game as soon as i saw the cell shaded demo running in a shop window 2 months before release. Such beauty, back then, especially. "Totally unique" is a term more and more publishers seem to shy away from nowadays, but imagine if sega had shy'd away from this, what a loss for the video gaming world that would have been.

Graphics - Rock solid visuals is an understatement, a visual style of it's own, beautiful and a cell shaded gamble that paid off for smilebit.

Sound - Oh my goodness, the soundtrack, one of the best in a video game, every track fits and you don't get sick of any of them. Another wonderful job by Sega, but then again, they always knew the secret to a good soundtrack.

Gameplay - This isnt Tony Hawks, it's not that deep, but thats a good thing, because it isnt trying to be, it's more of a pick up and play game, a minor minor minor camera issue at times, but the way all the zones connect is fantastic, whether grinding the subway or over roof tops it plays wonderfully.

Replay Value - Ok so it won't last you a year, or even 9 months, but the memory of such a game will last you long after that. Infact thats the exact reason im doing this review, im not here to tell you what a great game this is now, or that you should get a dreamcast just for this game. Im just here to say, if you missed it the first time around, you missed out.

An original classic, and it's a title held by very few games.
