Jak and his pal Daxter returns as Jak says a single word.

User Rating: 10 | Jak II: Renegade PS2

My 129th review after GoldenEye 007.

This game is so outstanding. Well first of all, it's about Jak, Daxter, Keira, and Samos get separated as the two boys landed to another world, then the guards kidnapped Jak, and Daxter spent two years to save Jak, and he started talking after he rescued him with his single word he has just said in a fit of rage, "I'M GONNA KILL PRAXIS!". He was set free when he became Dark Jak. Well the awesome part is I can ride vehicles. This game is gonna get an A++! Here the results:

Voice-acting 10/10: The voices are so awesome!

Gameplay 10/10: The first game used to be friendly, but in this one, Jak now uses a gun. I could tell you this, it kinda reminds me of Conker's Bad Fur Day. While the gameplay is fun because of it's open world action-adventure style, the missions can be very frustrating as the checkpoint systems is very unreliable.

Graphics 10/10: Graphics are beautiful for a PS2 game.

Controls 9/10: Controls are totally awesome! However, like the first, the camera is okay because what sucks is that when you tilt the right analog stick up and down, the camera zooms in and out instead of moving up and down. Also the driving controls can be very slippery.

Sound/Music 10/10: Same as the controls!

Lasting Appeal 10/10: The game series has a cool sequel starring a character that became dark and mature.

Overall, Jak II is one of the best PS2 games ever.

The Good:

-Beautiful graphics

-Awesome controls, sound effects, and music

-Great plot

The Bad:

-Cheesy camera zooming

-Frustrating difficulty due to unreliable checkpoint system

-Slippery driving controls

Like I said before, this reminds me of Conker's Bad Fur Day due to their friendly look from the first becoming dark and mature like Conker's kiddie look in Conker's Pocket Tales for the GBC became dark and mature in Conker's Bad Fur Day and that's what make this game a similarity to Conker's Bad Fur Day. But anyways, while the missions can press your buttons considering how punishing they can be, this game is still a must play and must own just like the first. That's the end of my review. Good day!

Jak II gets a 10 out of 10!
