Jak II is a big change from it's predesessor, and in this case change is good.

User Rating: 10 | Jak II: Renegade PS2
This game is wonderful. I love it. The weapons are wonderful, the ' Dark Powers ' are awesome, well every thing about it is awesome. The story is a really good one. It follows as Jak, Daxter, Samos and Keira activate a rift and travel to Haven City, where Jak is captured and thrown in prison and used in dark eco expirements. Daxter breaks him out and they join the underground movement against Baron Praxis (The ruler of the city who threw Jak in prison). But this adventure will change the world forever... There are many twists and turns allong the way. With the diffuculty it's not to hard but there are some parts where you feel like ripping your hair out. The graphics are well done and the sound is well done. There are many cutscenes in the game (which are all interesting) aswell as many characters (which I'm sure you'll grow to love). This is one of my favourite games (Just behind Ratchet and Clank) I'm sure you'll love it (If you don't allready).