Worst Halo game of all time!

User Rating: 6.5 | Halo: Reach X360
The worst Halo game of all time! In my opinion I never liked it. The story and online sucked in my opinion! I didn't like the fact they had a lack of vehicles in the game. The maps online was horrible. I wish everyone did not die in the game. The game had a good ended, but after I beat it I felt like I accomplished nothing after I beat it. It just felt like I did that and done that! I really fell like the game was lame. If you wanna make a good sequel to a game like this make it interesting and fun with a good solid story line. This game sadly had none of those. I would rather that then the good graphics the game had. I think they tried too hard , and the game felt rushed. I like the 360 , but this game will always be remembered as the worst 360 game in my opinion. Other then that I guess it was only ok for me, not really bad, but not great with that being said I give the game a 6.5 out of 10. Way to screw up you last game. Good thing they got a new company to make Halo 4