The Pros & Cons of Halo 4

User Rating: 6 | Halo 4 X360
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Well to begin with, I've been playing Halo since day one and this game has always been number one in my opinion. I first began playing Halo when I was only five and every step into the Campaigns story-line has always astonished me; some even more surprising. Halo 4 however, was quite different than all of the previous Halo games. There was so many innovations embedded into this game and so many improvements as well. But as in life, when some great happens, there is always a downturn in the road. Halo 4's campaign was completely original, very incomparable to the previous games, but unique. There were many new additions to the Halo Universe such as weapons, vehicles, ships, characters, and even new Spartans. But the problem that 343 Industries didn't realize until it was too late to change anything, was that it didn't have that same multiplayer feel as it did in the past three games. Forge, the utilized many great additions, but it would've been for the best to leave the forge pieces as Forerunner rather than swapping to the UNSC style. Spartan Ops was great, but it wouldn't of hurt to leave in Firefight and the multiplayer game-mode 'Invasion'. And lastly, the lighting was a bit much as it was the obvious reason it stood Halo 4 out. Other than that, i'm quite sure there are a lot of other comments Halo followers would like to post on their view on Halo 4.