it is not the best game in the world but is worth checking out.

User Rating: 9 | Halo 3 X360
halo three was a good try. it was intring thats for shere. the story had it's up's and downs. it you loved the last couple of games than most like'y you will love this game to. the story was ok, it had in my opinon to much funny not enough bad ass in it.

the driving was the most fun you will have with this game. it's easy, and so much fun. and there are alot of really cool ones to. they got hover bikes, some off road toys. and if you are lucky you might just get to drive a tank. yup a tank.

coop. coop is probly the best thing thing about the game. halo never get's coop wrong. now if you don't know what coop is it's were you can play with a friend online or play right besides you.

the guns are also amazing in this game. you will love it when you get a RPG. it's so much fun to blow up a tank with that. you will also get machin guns, and pistols. so this game is bery fun if you love just a fun, shooter than this game is for you...

so all in all this game is for halo fans. but if you are not one than you might just try a rent first...