If you like rich story telling, dynamic character development (yes in an MMO) then check this out!

User Rating: 10 | Guild Wars 2 PC
Guild Wars 2 takes concepts many other games and MMOs have implemented and conglomerates them into something special. The reason why it is special; is because the idea is executed well. You do not have any disjoints and everything flows well. The story, the character options, the expansive world to explore, and all the details that went into making this game. But best of all, with its unique questing/levelling system its a fresh take on the classic MMO foundation every other MMO copies. The best way to explain is like this; you start at level 1 and then realize the max cap is 80 and you (at least I) went into the automatic OMG! this is going to be a long grind mode. But the beauty of this game is that it doesn't feel like a grind at all, rather you feel like a individual making decisions and wanting to see the outcome of your choices. So I suggest give it a try. :)