GW2 is a deep but accessible online game that offers you value for your dollar and great large scale open-world PVP.

User Rating: 9.5 | Guild Wars 2 PC
Quite simply, you get a lot for your buck in this box-to-play online game. There is a good variety of classes, interesting mechanics, and ways to level. The user interface oozes with thought and care. The large-scale PVP battles in the innovative world-vs-world section of the game effectively serve as the game's end-game, yet it is also a great way to level from as early as level 2. Well, it's a great way to level if you're winning of course. Loosing just incurs a repair bill.

The sound is great, the graphics are adequate and the engine holds up with a lot going on at the same time in the same area. It's like the Ettenmoors from Lotro or Wintergrasp from WOW, combined, and on steroids. It's a well thought out system with huge amounts of longevity and replay-ability due to it's inherent fun.

The game is sadly somewhat "pay to win". Real life cash can be converted into gold or store credit called "gems". The cash-shop doesn't completely ruin the experience, but it does effect PVP and the auction house (called the black lion trading company) For these reasons, I had to knock half a point off of what is otherwise a master work and and instant classic in the genre.