Fun leveling, no end game. ALOT more grindy than WOW endgame.

User Rating: 5 | Guild Wars 2 PC
Having picked this game up a few months ago after spending a lot of time playing guildwars 1 - completing everything that series of games had to offer - winning everything in pvp and being in a top 100 guild I was very excited for GW2.

What a massive let down - after being in the pipeline for year this game does not live up to expectation.

Dynamic events: A really good idea, plays well - these lack variation and become a bit grindy in the mid game - early game and late game they seem to link well where your actions do make a difference on the world (only for a very short time it seems). But for the majority of the game this is a grind.

Dungeons - forget it. Unless you are prepared to put hours in grinding videos or you have a fantastic guild willing to teach you or carry you while you learn don't even enter. 1. No group will accept you unless you are level 80. 2. No group will accept you unless you have full legendary gear. 3. There is no LFG finder making it a complete ass to find anything pre level 80.

WVW/PVP - Standard PVP is fine. Everyone is on a footing - WVW (world v world) on the other hand is for level 80's only. Sure you can enter at level 1 if you want - but your gear doesn't scale so you are just easy pickings no matter what - back to the grind to get level 80 and full legendary gear if you want to play WvW.

Massive grind with no purpose - At least in other games you know why you are grinding (wow to be able to take bigger mobs for example) - GW2 has no end game - once you get a base level of gear you can take any mob - so you are grinding only to get a slight edge in WvW - I guess once you grind out the legendary gear you can finally go in dungeons without getting flamed down! YEY!

This game is a grind - the materials/gold/resources needed for the top level of gear is FAR higher than any other MMO i've seen.

Once you hit level 80 there is nothing to do. There is no end game. No massive raid, world boss that requires organization, team work - they just get mobbed by 1000 players and go down like a sack of s**t. WvW is your only option level 80 if you want anything end game like or grinding more dynamic events to farm karma (a resourse) or mats.. Hell you might get a dungeon party if you're lucky.

It's a real shame - this game with it's combat system and lovely world had so much potential. It's just been done really badly and thus is basically a crappy pvp game or a single player grindfest.