Amazing!, this game will have you playing for hours, that is, if you know how to play it right, its much like morrowind.

User Rating: 9.6 | Gothic II PC
this game has it all, everything except for charactor creation, it has so much more than you think, its hard in the beginning, but once you get into it an learn tthe basics, its highly addicting, you can be a blacksmith, or an alchemist, its much like morrowind, and arcanum combined into one huge game, plus you can farm. I also liked the day and night effect, and the magic is awsome! everything about this game is great except for a little buggy movement, and some bad sound effects. Its fun roaming aroung the forests at night, with just your torch to light the way, you never know what will come out of the bushes next, overall this game is one of the best rpg's i have ever played, have fun with it. (and in the beginning of the game, there is a skeleton to the left of the waterfall, in the trees, he has magic scrolls, potions, and a bow and some arrows, the bow kills goblins in 1 hit!, and the fireball attack kills those giant bugs near the farm in 1 hit alo, but it uses up a lotta mana)