Amazzing game, I just wanted try to play but get addicted to it with all 100%, You should try, no just play and enjoy!

User Rating: 8.9 | Gothic II PC
It is starting quite simple You `re been thrown into this great journey without asking... If You have already played first Gothic than You know what I`m talking about, but still Gothic II can play all who did not tried first part.
Wolfs, Blood flies, little goblins can be quite annoying.... all kind of creatures ... Orc`s and of course Dragons! A lot of space to walk around and at the end I know all those lands without any problems or even maps! At the close end You are the most strongest character in this land, You can freely walk around with no borders, with no enemies, OK Trolls are quite a BIG problem, but if You know the right way to deal with them than it can be quite small problem :D
Join, play, enjoy! ;)