Why save the world when you can rule it. Maybe because saving it is a hell of a lot more fun!

User Rating: 4.9 | GoldenEye: Rogue Agent GC
One of the worst shooters I have ever played.

Really bad. It is boring as all get out. You can dual wield weapons and take enemies hostage and all of that but that kinda only adds to the suck factor. The game play is really disapointing. Some weapons take up both hands. This is like the only really realistic part of it. There are some nice ragdoll physics in the game but they really do not add much. The story is really weak and tries to be entertaining. I still do not know what it is. The AI is as stupid as anything and is really boring to play against. Their main stratagy is to run out into the open and wait to be killed. The box says it has Evil AI, it should be Stupid AI. Yo do also get a "Goldeneye" that you can use to be invincible or throw stuff around. This is kinda fun for a while.

Everything doesn't anamate well and the enemies look herundus. There some satifying cut scenes of the Hoover dam going boom.

There is little or no music to be enjoyed and the voice acting is beyond terrible. Each guns sound bad and everything alse about the sound is really bad.

This is like the only redeeming part of this game. If you can get some friends to play with the multiplayer isn't bad. They really scalled it down for the gamecube version. Each map got shrunk though. The single player is way to easy to play through. Presenting little or no challange

Tilt really doesn't come in here. I love 007 but this is a really bad. My tilt wouldn't change ever for this game. It really sux.


Every one of the serieses I like are going bad. Not a good sign.