As a former religious N64 Golden Eye player.. I can say this game is amazing and a very welcome remake!

User Rating: 9.5 | GoldenEye 007 WII
For those of you who are wanting an exact copy of the old game..sorry to disappoint you, it's not. However, the changes they made are for the better. Do you honestly think you would have enjoyed the game if it was a direct copy of controls? More than likely you wouldn't because they are very outdated. This Feels more like CoD and your other modern shooters. With that being said... ITS NOT CoD SO DON'T COMPARE THIS GAME TO IT. The graphics arent great but hey.. its the Wii so get used to it.

Controlling: I prefer to use the Wii mote / nunchuck when i play. I tried the controller and it just wasnt working for me. If you master the Wii mote control scheme you will have the advantage on the field of battle. I did have to adjust the settings as far as sensitivity and you will see the option where it will say like Experienced 1 or 2 etc.. i put mine on 2.. it helps you turn around much faster and i could tell a huge difference in my performance.

Campaign: I haven't beat it yet but so far it is awesome! I love the different approach to the story that they took. Its loosely based off the old game / movie so you will notice while you're playing.. OH HEY I REMEMBER THIS PART OF THE LEVEL!!! And yes... you do get to drop in on the guy on the pot near the beginning of the game...needless to say... that made my day. haha. They have Daniel Craig as bond instead of Pierce Brosnan...thank God, lol. You can tell they structured the game around his take on the bond role.

Multiplayer: I have not played splitscreen yet but i have played the online multiplayer. it is very fun and addicting. It takes some getting use to so give it time and don't throw it away at the first sign of frustration, especially if you are using the wii mote scheme. My biggest issue with the multiplayer is that you will notice the frame rate gets irritating at times, But it is still fun to go around and shoot some people. It offers different game modes, and yes it does have an invite a friend feature. Sadly.. there is no Wii Speak support for the game.

Final Thoughts: Ok, here we are... it is the new Golden Eye, don't hesitate to get it if you're a die hard golden eye fan or someone new looking for another FPS. I gave it a 9.5 because of the framerate in the multiplayer at times and that there isn't the Moonraker Laser.. that is very disappointing but definitely not a big reason to not buy the game. If you have a Wii this game is a must even if you just want to play the campaign.