forget goldeneye 64 this game completely surpasses it on every single level with the only disappointment no la

User Rating: 10 | GoldenEye 007 WII
the missions are bigger expanded and more fun to play first off to all who compare this to mw2 and other cod games, good luck , because this is one of a kind
there is no comparision
the gameplay is similar to cod on easier level but its more harder , and for old time goldeneye fans of the original 007 c mode is ideal

old style hud is in the 007 c mode

the sound is what id expect it to be the guns sound real the voice overs need a tad work but their doing their job as planned

the overall presentation is nearly identical to qos 360 ,, much better visuals then qos wii

and the online portion is great addition to the already fun to play split screen

overall id say this is alot better then the n64 version and it truley plays like the movie which the n64 kinda ditched

only a few disappointments here and there no biggy
just minor ones such as -bunker is only in sp they replaced that with surface for multiplayer