At first your going to hate it but give it a while and it starts to be a lot of fun

User Rating: 8 | GoldenEye 007 WII
GoldenEye is back. Before I get started I must say that I never played the N64 campagin and didn't spend my nights playing the multiplayer

The single player is better then the multiplayer. That needs to be said right off the bat. The controls due take a long time to get used to. The cla**ic controler pro is a must for this game. The wii mote/nunchuk is not an option for this game it just dosen't work. But if you have a cla**ic controler pro you need not worry about the controls. It will take a while to get used to but they are smooth eventually

The gameplay in the campaign is great. It looks good and sounds good as well. The campaign is varied and rather nonlinear for a FPS. My favorite mission is by far the Night Club with its excellent music and visuals. My one complaint about the campaign is that it is at times a bit slow paced. The voice acting is great with the likes of Daniel Craig adding their talents.

Now for the online. I am a bit unsure about what to say about it. Some of the maps are really good but theres a couple of awful ones. There are a ton of different modes to play. Some of them for some strange reason take a high level to unlock. It will likely take you at least three hours to get these modes and I have rarely seen someone with a high enough level as of yet. I do fear that the online in general could turn into a camp fest once everyones used to the maps.

Online GoldenEye could turn out to be the best FPS on the WIi but it will take a while to see what kind of community devolps. This version of GoldenEye won't have the impact of the original but for a quick online game or a fun campain.