Cheats & Guides

W4RR-i/o-RS Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 10 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Reach global time of 512 Aeons Past
    Make a warrior reach 4096 EXP Champion
    Observe a warrior die of old age Death by Age
    Make a warrior reach 2048 EXP Duelist
    Make a warrior reach age of 70 Elder
    Make a warrior fight themselves Fight oneself
    Make a warrior reach 1024 EXP Fighter
    Make a warrior reach 200 luck or more Lucky
    Overload one of your warriors power. Over 9000!!!
    Make a warrior reach -200 luck or less Unlucky

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer