Cheats & Guides

Spectrobes: Origins Cheats For Wii

  1. Metallic Leopubar and Rygazelle

    After obtaining the 3rd Shard, talk to the large member of the "three shady characters" that harassed you throughout the mission. Make sure Jeena is with you. He'll let you link up to your copy of Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals for the Nintendo DS to unlock these two Spectrobes and put them in your Incubator.

    Contributed by: MegaMage3003 

  2. Solving the Twisting Bridge Puzzle in Menahat's 6th Desert Ruins

    Midway through the penultimate of 7 desert ruins in Menahat's Great Desert, you must solve a difficult twisting bridge puzzle to reach the second half of the ruins. To solve it efficiently, you must observe that it is not possible to cross all 4 sections of the bridge immediately. To cross it, you must first reach the final section of the bridge when it is set to a section that denies you access to the other side, then turn around and wait for the third section to cycle to a configuration that does not allow you to return to the second section from the final section. If you can reach such configuration, you can then turn around and wait for the final section to cycle to a configuration that gives you a clear path to the bridge's exit so that you may continue.

    Contributed by: e_Z_752 

  3. Metalic Ryza and Leo

    At the title screen, before you create a game save (there is no way to use this code on a play-through that has already been started).

    Effect Effect
    Up, Down, Left, Right, A Adds a metalic Ryza and a metalic Leo to your incubator when you start the game.

    Contributed by: DRayX 

  4. Spectrobe Card Codes

    After completing the fourth planet (Menahut) you obtain the card input machine. Select Constellations (for Spectrobes) and enter the 9 digit sequence on the far left next to the desired Spectrobe. After that, click on the stars in the order described next to the code. 1 is the star furthest to the left, 2 is the next furthest to the left and so on. If there are 2 stars with the same horizontal position, A is the higher, and B is the lower. CT-01 through CT-05 are secret Spectrobes (those only obtainable through cards). CT-06 through CT-18 are evolved Spectrobes (with alternate textures), and CT-19 through CT-21 are child Spectrobes (3 different textures of Komainu) . (Note: Don't evolve the special Komainus as the adult and evolved forms look normal.)

    Effect Effect
    650-110-743 B,F,J,N,O,K,G,C Attack Mineral (CT-22)
    442-333-776 1,3,2,4,5,6,7 Bombzar (CT-03)
    522-415-781 1,3,6,5,4,2 Butobasu (CT-17)
    204-912-586 J,I,E,A,B,F,J,N,O Cat Glove S (CT-34)
    465-149-303 3,1,2,4,5,6 Daidongu (CT-16)
    734-807-526 E,A,B,C,D,H,L,P Drill Lance S (CT-32)
    011-235-813 2,1,4,3,5,6,7 Flamerax (CT-01)
    512-139-319 5,2,1,3,4,6 Floralmi (CT-09)
    014-087-331 A,B,F,G,H,L,P Galaxy Axe (CT-28)
    183-631-190 C,B,F,G,H,L,P,O Galaxy Blaster (CT-30)
    134-903-170 N,J,F,B,A,E,I,J,K,L Galaxy Glove (CT-29)
    334-944-377 A,B,F,E,I,J,K,O Galaxy Lance (CT-27)
    679-142-964 A,B,C,G,K,O,P Galaxy Sword (CT-26)
    329-712-150 C,B,F,J,K,L,P,O,K,G,H Gem Sword S (CT-31)
    976-777-874 F,B,C,G,F,J,K,G,H,L,K,O,P,L Giga Axe S (CT-33)
    151-422-983 1,2B,2A,3A,3B,4 Gorberus (CT-11)
    295-128-009 A,E,F,G,K,J,N,O,P Guard Mineral (CT-23)
    765-109-461 1,5,2,4,3,6 Hikolassa (CT-06)
    023-341-551 1,2,3,4,5 Komainu (Jumpsuit) (CT-20)
    632-459-861 4,1,3,2,5 Komainu (Skull) (CT-19)
    655-801-412 3,2,1,4,5 Komainu (Stuffed) (CT-21)
    953-316-291 M,I,E,F,G,K,L,P,O Life Mineral (CT-24)
    213-455-891 1,3,2,4,7,6,5 Mizusar (CT-02)
    269-025-203 F,E,I,J,F,G,H,L,K,G Ninja Blaster S (CT-35)
    258-441-816 2,5,7,6,4,3,1 Optoger (CT-05)
    109-871-597 1,3,2,4,5,6,7 Sarazook (CT-04)
    771-128-657 5,1,2,3,4,6 Shakablad (CT-07)
    641-831-781 1,2,4,6,5,3 Shimadoros (CT-10)
    463-687-502 1,5,2,3,4,6 Spikanor (CT-08)
    173-862-675 M,I,J,K,G,C,B,F,G,H Super Mineral (CT-25)
    352-457-857 1,2,4,5,6,3 Tekkadorax (CT-14)
    739-088-169 1,3,2,4,5,6 Totegarda (CT-18)
    692-178-309 1,2,4,3,5,6 Yagizora (CT-13)
    204-013-462 1,2,3,6,4,5 Zappizor (CT-12)
    028-879-227 1,3,5,6,4,2 Zuwakrid (CT-15)

    Contributed by: DRayX 

  5. Unlock the Golden komainu by completing the lab system database.

    Collect all the fossil, child, adult , and evolved spectrobes to unlcok the Gold Komainu.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the lab system database. Gold Komainu.

    Contributed by: naguzoro44 

  6. Silver Komainu

    Once you beat the Krux, save! Then continue on the file you beat him on, and it will say that a silver Komainu was added to the first avalibe open space in your incubeator. His shininess simular to Leopuba and Rygazelle's but silver.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat Krux Silver Komainu

    Contributed by: Kevinruby 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by 30johner 239K