Cheats & Guides

Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter II Cheats For PC

  1. Misc. Codes

    While on hunt view press F2 and type in these cheats, then press enter to activate them.

    Effect Effect
    rmplane Ability to fly in the sky
    -rmnoah Add more animals
    -rmshow All animals on map
    -rminvisible Animals ignore you
    -rmgoodstuff Attract animals
    -rmblizzard Cycle through weather
    -rmshot Go to nearest animal
    rmsharpshot Gun sighted
    -rmlightning Lightning
    -rmrain Raining
    -rmlight Run faster
    -rmsnow Snowing
    -rmthunder Thunder
    rmrunner Toggles player fatigue on/off
    rmcollide Turns collision on/off

    Contributed by: ghostrc, monobrow