Cheats & Guides

Ring King Cheats For NES

  1. Invincibility Code

    Note: You can only use this code one time per fight.

    At the Training Gym screen, press the following buttons:

    Controller #2:
    A button

    Controller #1:
    A, Select, A

    Controller #2:
    B button

    Controller #1:

    Controller #2:
    A, B

    Controller #1:
    B, B

    Contributed by: Dallas 

  2. Passwords

    Effect Effect
    4F9G0SLE4S9 149-0 with 149 KO, 99 power points and WORLD1 ranking
    Enter player name: JP and password: 6P0BKPY3LS3 WORLD1 ranking with a record of 74-0 62KO

    Contributed by: Notadrood, jpr200012 

  3. Various Passwords...

    Enter the following at the password screen. Be sure to enter the name "AETHER.K" for the codes to work.

    Effect Effect
    C2LS39BF0K3 Start game with 99 Power/World 1 Rank/Record = 255/255/255/000
    20YAMHI90K9 Start new game with 99 Power/Record = 000/000/000/000

    Contributed by: Aether Knight 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by PublicDomain 5K

Ring King Cheats For MSX

  1. Super Powerful

    Select Ranking Mode, any league and enter as your name "01234567" and as the password "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP". If done right, you'll start in the Japan league and have super strength.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. Replenish Health Faster

    After a round is over, press TAB + CTRL + SHIFT + GRAPH to refill your energy faster.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  3. Starting Password

    Select Ranking Mode, any league and enter as your name "TEZ1991" (press Space to delete the extra number) and as the password "ADADADAACPGDDKNN". If entered right, you'll start in the first league (rookie) with 99 Punch, 99 Stamina and 58 Speed.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM