Cheats & Guides

NBA ShootOut 2004 Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. All-Time Greats

    At any screen in the All-Time Greats menu hold L1+R1+L2+R2 and press O+[] to unlock selected player

    Contributed by: sc33 

NBA ShootOut 2004 Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Listen to ''Al Naafiysh''

    To listen to the 1983 Hashim song "Al Naafiysh", insert the game disc into an audio CD player and select track 2.

    Contributed by: Rej72380 

  2. Unlimited Amount of Player Creation Points

    At the Main Menu, choose "Rosters." Now choose "Create Player." Enter the following password on this screen. After entering the names you can go back and change the names to whatever you like, but the Creation Points will still remain.

    Effect Effect
    Make the first name "MUSCOY" and the last name "MIKE" Now when you go to the Attributes screen you will have an unlimited amount of Creation Points for your player.

    Contributed by: BolerosCloud