Cheats & Guides

Mega Party: A Tootuff Adventure Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Achievements

    Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement and Gamerscore.

    You found all the pranks in "Back to School" Class clown
    Congratulations! The fir trees hold no more secrets for you! Cloned fir trees
    You completed "The School Year" Cloning is defeated
    You changed the music of the dancer! And one more dance! Dance battle
    Bravo! You won 3 - 0! That was fast! Faster than its shadow
    You found all the pranks in "Snow Class" Go thaw out
    Goal! You managed to get the soccer ball outside the school Golden goal
    You hit the teacher with a paper ball! Hit!
    You completed "Snow Class!" It's freezing cold
    You just rang for a nurse! So, you have a little cold? Ma'am, I don't feel well
    Bravo! You scared them off! Pigeon chase
    Congratulations, you just won in "Duels of Death" mode. Well played! This isn't for idiots
    You completed "Back to School!" Vacation is here!

    Contributed by: Similac