Cheats & Guides

Katamari Forever Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Mini-Games

    Aside from the regular story modes, you can unlock extra mini-games by completing enough levels and other tasks. After you've unlocked one, you'll be able to access it via the Mini-Games list in the Katamari Collection menu.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Katamari Drive Mode Beautiful Katamari (Hard)
    Complete Katamari Drive Mode Beautiful Katamari (Normal)
    Beat the game. Katamari Forever Ending Credits
    Complete all requests in all game modes. We Love Katamari

    Contributed by: discoinferno84, Critical_Toast 

  2. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy. There are 20 Bronze Trophies, 6 Silver Trophies, 6 Gold Trophies and 1 Platinum Trophy.

    Trophy Trophy
    Created a Katamari over 500m. Big Katamari (Bronze)
    Completed 80% of the collection. Collector (Bronze)
    Completed 100% of the Collection. Completionist (Gold)
    Completed all Requests in Katamari Forever mode. Congratulations! (Gold)
    Rolled up 30 Cousins. Cousin Friendly (Bronze)
    Created 200 katamaris. Creator (Silver)
    Obtained 50,000 points in the punishment mini-game. Endurer (Silver)
    You made a katamari over 2,000,000km! Enormous Katamari (Silver)
    Completed all Requests in Eternal mode. Eternal Roller (Silver)
    Collected 30 Presents. Fashion Conscious (Bronze)
    Performed the Dash exactly 6 times before completing a Request. Fast Roller (Bronze)
    Completed a request. First Katamari (Bronze)
    Obtained 50,000 points in the ending mini-game. Hi-Scorer (Silver)
    Performed the Prince Hop exactly 7 times before completing a Request. Hopper (Bronze)
    Created a Katamari over 10,000km. Huge Katamari (Bronze)
    Destroyed the katamari 50 times before completing a Request. Katamari Destroyer (Bronze)
    Completed all Requests in Classic Katamari mode. Katamari Fanatic (Gold)
    Completed all Requests in Katamari Drive mode. Katamari Speedster (Gold)
    Played through all mini-games. Mini-Gamer (Bronze)
    Watched 5 movies in a row in Movies. Movie Fan (Bronze)
    Played through VS Battle or Co-op 30 times. Multiplayer (Bronze)
    Listend to 5 songs in Music. Music Lover (Bronze)
    Viewed a photo in the Photo Album. Photographer (Bronze)
    Collected all trophies Platinum Katamari
    Collected all Presents. Present Collector (Gold)
    Performed the Quick Turn exactly 5 times before completing a Request. Quick Turn Expert (Bronze)
    Viewed the Network Rankings 5 times. Rankings Lover (Bronze)
    Rolled up 7,650 objects before completing a Request. Rolling Expert (Bronze)
    Played through 50 single player Requests in a row. Single Player (Bronze)
    Turned a katamari into stardust. Stardust (Bronze)
    Punished over 50 times. Unforgiving (Bronze)
    Rolled up all Cousins. We Love Cousins (Gold)
    Turned 50 katamaris into dust. We Love Stardust (Silver)

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold 

  3. Katamari Drive

    Play the missions in a high speed katamari with shorter time limits.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the game once and see the ending. Katamari Drive

    Contributed by: PlasticAmbition 

  4. Level Graphics Filter Selection

    There are different graphical filters available for each stage, such as Comic Book, Wood, etc. However, you won't be able to change filters when you first play a given level. Once you've beaten the level, you'll be able to change the filters whenever you replay it. However, this works only for that particular gameplay mode; while you might have unlocked it for Katamari Forever version of the level, you'll have to do so again for the Katamari Drive, Eternal, and Classic Modes.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete a level. Level Graphics Filter Selection

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  5. Level Music Selection

    When you first play a level, you won't have the option to change its music. But once you've beaten the level, you'll be able to change the music whenever you replay it. However, this works only for that particular gameplay mode; while you might have unlocked it for Katamari Forever version of the level, you'll have to do so again for the Katamari Drive, Eternal, and Classic Modes.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete a level. Level Music Selection

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by jduecker0609 207K
In-Depth FAQs Cousin/Present Location Guide by vix 17K
In-Depth FAQs Item List by vix 166K
In-Depth FAQs Rare Item Guide by vix 19K