Cheats & Guides

Inuyasha: The Secret of the Cursed Mask Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. New Game Bonus

    Complete the game once and save when the game prompts you to do so, start a new game and play up until you get to Kaede's Village. Find the cat in the village and you will be able to retain all your characters techs from the previous game and some exp.

    Contributed by: Correy 

  2. Sesshomaru Alternate Ending

    When you get interval scenes, sometimes it will say, "Would you like to spend the night?". Respond "No" and you will not get an interval scene. If you say "No" to all of the optional interval scenes you should only spend one scene with each of the five main characters. When you switch places with Utsugi and you go to Naraku's castle, the game gives you the option to find the others or tell Sesshomaru about Rin. Choose "Tell Sesshomaru about Rin". Then, do all of the random events with Sesshomaru. Random events are when question marks appear on the map screen (instead of exclamation points). The first is in "The Field of Ignorance", the second time around go to "Road to Kasasagi", and the last time go to "Forest to Tsuzumi". In all of these places, if you wander around, you should find Sesshomaru and trigger an event scene. After you do all of this, Sesshomaru's picture should appear when you save your game. At the end of the game you will get the Sesshomaru ending. Note: You may have to do this twice. The first time to unlock or enable it and the second time to actually get it. also you must be using the female character

    Contributed by: way2tired2name 

  3. Freeze Game

    Do not flee from battle unless absolutely necessary. If you are fleeing from battle more than you are actually fighting, your game may eventually freeze, or it will flash the leading character and tag along character repeatedly on a black screen, frozen in the last position they were in before they were attacked. You may also loose all visuals. You will still hear you characters movements and/or actions, but will not see anything but a black screen. If you intend to flee often, make sure to save your progress frequently. The only way to exit this is to restart the PlayStation2.

    Contributed by: way2tired2name 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by MenaceGoku 72K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Arros_Raikou 124K
In-Depth FAQs Castle FAQ by KyonKuchiki 14K
In-Depth FAQs Control Guide by Shutsugeki 20K
In-Depth FAQs Interval Script by KawaiiNeko332 90K
In-Depth FAQs Mystery Field Event FAQ by MelMuff 39K
In-Depth FAQs Random Event FAQ by KyonKuchiki 8K