Cheats & Guides

Dungeon Maker II: The Hidden War Cheats For PSP

  1. Unlock Female apprentice for use

    Unlock ability to change the character you use.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the first 10 Floors Female character

    Contributed by: Kensyu 

  2. Maximum dungeon building area on all floors

    Unlocks more area for building your dungeon in by dissolving the bedrock preventing you from building.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete the first 10 floors and beat Revenger Spell to dissolve bedrock

    Contributed by: jasonn1124 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by x MJ x 147K
In-Depth FAQs Dungeon Building FAQ by ClydeBarbarian 15K