Cheats & Guides

Dungeon Lords (2005) Cheats For PC

  1. Easy money if you have scrolls (ver. 1.0)

    You can make an infinite amount of money in Arindale (or elsewhere, I didn't test it in other cities yet) if you have some scrolls with you. I had some scrolls of Summon Undead and I sold one for 135 gold. Now here's the trick : if you have more than 1 scroll and if you sell them one at a time, the amount of scrolls stays the same! So you have infinite scrolls and you have to repeat this procedure until you have the desired amount of money. I raised my money to 50000 just for starters. The place where I did it was in Arindale, in the Warrior's Guild. I don't know if it works with all game versions, I have V 1.0.

    Contributed by: Haerdalis 

  2. Infinite Money

    You can earn an infinite amount of money the second you walk into Arindale. The only catches are that you have to be playing an Elf character, male or female, and you have to have at least 2000 Gold to start with. Walk into the Weapons Shop, and talk to the shopkeeper. Click through the talk options until you find the one that says "Treasures". Tell him you will pay him 2000 Gold for the sword. Close the talk dialog box, and open it back up. A new option will appear, right underneath Trade. Click this to recieve 500 Gold for returning the Elven Sword of Flames. The option is still there! You can click on it as many times as you want, to recieve 500 Gold each time you click. Voila! Infinite money! You can repeat this whole trick as many times as you want, because there is no limit to how long you can borrow the Elven Sword of Flames.

    Contributed by: RianBattle 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by GeorgeKI 57K
Maps and Charts Fargrove City Map by Devistater 29K